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Library Minutes 08/21/2014
                                                              Holland Public Library
                                                                 Board of Trustees

Meeting minutes for August 21, 2014
Members present:  Peggy Lowell, Janet Mullins, Lynn Harhay; Libby Westie – Director

Old Business
  • Director’s report:  see attached
‘Materials’ policy:  the changes to the Library’s ‘Materials’ policy were reviewed and modified;  a vote will be taken at the next meeting
Zucchini Festival:  Libby, with Joanie’s help, will set up a small book sale at the Community Center and Kelli will paint faces
Old Home Day:  Libby will call Kerry Lee to see if Old Home Day will happen this year
Book club:  the next book club will focus on the Hoyts and their books
Historical Society:  Libby plans to end her involvement with this group
Library land: this topic was tabled
Needs assessment:  Libby will get back to her contact at the State level; a list was made of possible building committee members
Additional hours:  the additional hours will continue through September
Policies:  Janet will be ready at the next meeting with changes to the ‘Behavior’  policy
Book sale:  a discussion was held about the date – whether it should be the same date each year or on the day of the tag sale; no determination was finalized
Harvest festival:  this activity will not happen unless something changes in the next few weeks
New Business
  • Approval of minutes:  the Board voted 2-0 to approve the July minutes
  • Reorganization of board:  Peggy Lowell was unanimously voted as Chairman; Lynn Harhay as Secretary
  • Windows:  there was a leak during a recent storm;  Libby will investigate the reason for the leak and arrange for a repair
  • Building repairs:  it was determined that the bathroom fan should be repaired; the ceiling outside the bathroom needs to be repaired and painted; bookshelves need to have the shelves made adjustable
  • Painting:  Lynn will contact John Groccia for an estimate to paint the ceiling
  • Signs:  Libby would like to have reusable signs made for our programs; Janet has a discount at Staples
  • Brookfield librarian:  Libby has made contact with the Brookfield librarian as a source for general information for her about the library’s functions
  • Programs for library trustees:  two programs will be held nearby – one in Southbridge in October and one in Sturbridge on October 29; trustees are encouraged to attend if possible
  • Next meeting:  September 18, 2014 at 4PM
Minutes submitted by:  Lynn Harhay, secretary